Call of Duty Facts That Will Blow Your Mind!


10 Call of Duty Facts That Will Blow Your Mind!

At the recent Call of Duty: Ghosts multiplayer reveal, Activision kicked off the event by showing

us some Call of Duty Facts That Will Blow Your Mind. The sheer numbers that this franchise

has managed to pull in are astounding. So I took those facts, added a few of our own, and

came up with this list of 10 Call of Duty Facts That Will Blow Your Mind.


Black Ops 2 is currently the Fastest Selling Game of all time

Activision believes Call of Duty: Black Ops II day-one shipments were the largest for any game ever. 
"The record number of pre-orders from last year's Modern Warfare 3 drove the largest day-one shipments in our history, and in the industry's history," said Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg during an earnings call on November 13, 2012. Hirshberg said more than 2.5 million people queued at 16,000 shops at midnight on Monday to buy Black Ops II, "making it the largest retail release in Activision's history and in the industry's history. A Call of Duty Fact That Will Blow Your Mind? You betcha.


Modern Warfare 3 Made more money than Hollywood during its launch

Modern Warfare 3 made 775 million dollars in its first five days. That’s far more than

Avatar, the current highest grossing movie, did. Call of Duty is actually worth more than

most of the top movies in Hollywood. If you put together the life-long sales of Avatar,

Titanic, and The Avengers, the three highest grossing movies of all time, they still don’t

quite make the 6 billion dollars that Call of Duty had made by the time Modern Warfare 3

came out.


31 Billion Care Packages have been dropped in Call of Duty

That total is impressive considering the care package itself is a killstreak that noobs have

problems earning. What’s even more impressive is that, if you treated these care

packages as real objects, you would have enough care packages to build 15,000

pyramids or 100 Great Walls of China.
Call of Duty Care Package


Over Five billion cars have been Destroyed in Call of Duty Games

That is a total that is actually impossible to replicate in real life. There are only

approximately one billion vehicles currently registered worldwide. Blowing them all up and

replacing them five times over would take years and would likely outlive the lifespan of

Call of Duty itself.
Call of Duty Car Explosion


Call of Duty has been Played for about 25 Billion Hours

When you put together all the time spent by every player playing Call of Duty back to back,

you get over 2.85 million years of playtime. That’s longer than humans have existed on

Earth! In fact, if you were to go back in time 2.85 million years, we would still be

indistinguishable from other great apes. Yes, Call of Duty has managed to out-pace

Call of Duty Nearly 3 Billion YEars


When Modern Warfare 3 came out, over 1.4 Billion Multiplayer Call of Duty matches had been Played

Even before Modern Warfare 3, Black Ops 2, and the upcoming Ghosts, billions of Call of

Duty matches had been played. How many? 1.4 Billion matches is the total, which is more

than all the recorded conflicts and battles of human history put together! That's a

multiplayer Call of Duty Fact That Will Blow Your Mind.
CAll of Duty Nearly 2 Billion Matches


Call of Duty's Daily Players could fill 80 of the world's Largest Sports Stadiums

Activision has logged over five million people playing Call of Duty at once in the days of

Black Ops and Modern Warfare 2. That’s greater than the population of Los Angeles! In

fact, that’s greater than the population of nearly every city in the U.S., other than New York.
Call of Duty Lobby Player Could Fill 80 Stadiums


32.3 Quadrillion shots have been fired in Call of Duty

Yes, 32.3 QUADRILLION shots. That’s more shots fired than there are stars in the Milky

Way. That’s more shots fired than in any recorded war in human history!

32,999,999,999,999,999 actually hit their target on the first bullet. Kidding. We know you 

guys are all headshot masters.
Call of Duty 32 Quadrillion Shots


Modern Warfare was the first M Rated Call of Duty Game

Apparently World War II violence is tame enough to be rated T, but modern day nukes are

worthy of an M rating. It’s strange how we divide up different types of violence as safe and

unsafe for kids to consume.
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare


100 Million people have Player a Call of Duty Game

The #1 entry in this list of 10 Call of Duty Facts That Will Blow Your Mind is a big one. 100

million people have played a Call of Duty game. That’s a larger population than most

countries! If the entirety of the Call of Duty fanbase formed a country it would have a

greater population than Germany, France, and the UK. They would be a credible

international military threat. As long as they aren’t noob tubing.
Call of Duty 100 Million Players

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