Android L or iOS 8 - Who will win according to critics and users

Let's first see the opinion from MacWorld, our critic:

MacWorld (Critic) :

MacWorld says : "Here at Macworld, understandably, we're more interested in iOS 8 than Android L, but both platforms have much to offer." 

What makes them say this?

To have an answer to this question, just read the headlines below:: 
Apple on Android L:

  • iCloud Drive: Apple is introducing a new iCloud Drive service that enables you to access files directly within apps. It will also enable apps to open, and insert files created by other apps.
  • AirDrop: You will now be able to AirDrop files from Mac OS X to iOS devices.
  • Health: Apple is also introducing a new Health app with iOS 8. The Health app collates all the health information gathered by the devices you wear.
  • Home: There is a companion service to Health that we believe will be called Home. The HomeKit SDK is already available to developers so they can control home devices using iOS devices (although this may arrive later than Health).
  • Spotlight: Apple’s Spotlight search is going to be much more powerful in iOS 8, and will combine online results with the items on your iOS device. So it will return Wikipedia articles, trending news and places nearby.
  • Handoff: Perhaps the biggest deal for iOS users will be the new Handoff and Continuity features. Handoff means that working on a document in iOS or Mac OS X you will be able to pick up any of your devices (running the same Apple ID) and carry on working directly from that device.
  • Phone calls and SMS: This aims to bring different iOS and Mac OS X devices together. When you sit next to your Mac with an iPhone you will be able to make phone calls and send SMS texts from the Mac;
  • Instant Hotspot: You will also be able to share the data connection from your iPhone with your other devices (like iPad and iPhone more easily). Devices will automatically connect to each other when in range, and the data connection will be shared seamlessly.
  • Developer tools: Finally, there is a lot for developers to love behind the scenes in iOS (there was a reason developers were cheering even louder than usual). Developers will be able to create extensions to apps (both Apple apps and each other’s apps). Apple is opening up TouchID to developers for implementation in their apps, and there will be direct integration with the Camera Roll so apps can edit photos. Apple is introducing over 4,000 new API (Application Programming Interface) elements to iOS 8. Developers are having a field day.
  • Swift: Apple has also created a whole new programming language for iOS that is much easier to learn than the old Objective-C language. Swift means developers can work faster, and will be able to create better apps with the same resources. It’ll even make it easier if you want to start creating apps for yourself.

Android L on Apple

  • New notification screen: Android L has a vastly improved notification centre. This borrows some elements from iOS. Notifications now appear at the top of the screen as pop elements.
  • Phone dialer: Android L has a new Phone app that makes it easier to call people.
  • New lock screen: Android L features a new Lock Screen that brings notifications and unlock in the same place. The idea is that you see what is going on when you pick up your phone, and swipe up to start from there.
  • Bluetooth Unlock: Android L unlocks when it is around other Android devices you own (and connected on Bluetooth). The idea seems to be that if you are wearing an Android Wear watch you won’t need to unlock your Android phone. It will unlock automatically.
  • Interlocking Apps: Apps in Android L are able to take advantage of APIs in other apps. The idea is that apps can talk to each other, and installing apps will extend the functionality of other apps. It's an interesting feature that will depend on developer support.
Source: Macworld

Let's come to the users' opinion. I will cite two sources, Phonearena and Alltechland ( A poll I conducted a few days back)

Phonearena Polls (Users):

These polls compare Android compare Android L and iOS 8 giving Android L an advantage by 1852 polls, a clear disapproval from our critic.

Source : Phone arena

Alltechland Polls (Users):

Published on this blogspot, a poll result shows that iOS 8 takes Android by 41 votes. Percentage wise Android got only 11.3 % votes while iOS, on the other hand got 88.7 percent votes.

Source : Alltechland


iOS tops in some features, while in the other features, Android takes the lead. So, it's entirely up to you. Choose a platform which suits your needs. But,  just for a point of view based on my opinion, iOS 8 is better (Again, it is just an opinion).

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