Sony’s Underwater Apps utilize a great deal of clever Engineering

Sony Mobile released six apps that showcase the water resistance of its flagship Xperia smartphones. The apps, which look undeniably fun and goofy, utilize a great deal of clever engineering to work. The end result is an Xperia device that detects and changes behavior when submerged under water.

The above mentioned feat is achieved via a detector, which generates a test tone with frequency beyond that of the human ear. The device uses its dual microphones to record sounds that are subsequently processed. The resulting spectrograms contain data that helps the device detect if it is in the air (like most phones are meant to be) or under water (Clever!!).
So what has Sony done with this tech? Created a special suite of Underwater Apps of course. These are apps designed to show what the phones can do underwater. There are six apps to choose from and all are just bit of fun from the sounds of it, Let's check out.
Note: If there are any developers looking to use this in their apps, then visit the Sony Xperia Developer GitHub to get the code.


Goldie - screenshot

Save a fishy friend by dunking him in water. Seriously, don’t let him flop. Put your goldfish and your phone in water. Your goldfish won’t die. And neither will your phone.

Photo Lab

Photo Lab - screenshot thumbnail

Process your photos the old-school way. Select a digital photo you’ve already taken. Choose a chemical bath. Submerge your phone in water to begin the process. Tilt your phone to develop different areas. And share the final image with your friends—friends who are now slightly less cooler than you.


Plantimal - screenshot thumbnail

Grow a mutant creature by watering it every day. Plant a seed that’s half plant, half animal. Dunk your phone to wake it up. When you get a push notification, water it again to watch it grow.

Sink Sunk

Sink Sunk - screenshot

Pilot your very own submarine in your sink. Submerge your phone in the water to start up the engine. Tilt it side to side to steer. Pull your phone out of the water to refill the air tanks. Then, submerge it again to resume your mission.


Rainy-oke - screenshot

Sing in the rain without forgetting the lyrics. Take your phone out in the storm. Select a song. And sing like you’re onstage in front of thousands—soaked. 

Tiny Umberalla

Tiny Umbrella - screenshot

Stay dry in the rain or do your best to try. Open the umbrella with a swipe of your finger. Spin it with a flick to revel in its polka-dotted majesty. Then, hold it above your head as you walk in the rain. It will keep you dry—at least a tiny part of you.

All these apps, they just don't make any point yet. Making a fish live by soaking your mobile in the water and keeping your head covered by a phone (in-app umbralla), all this doesn't make any sense. But, we don't know what this tiny invention will involve into. Let's wait and see what happens when developers get their hands on the code.

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