Watch dogs vs GTA V - A must read

Gta V and Watch Dogs are different in many ways, but who wins out - let's see.

City and Environment

Watch Dogs' environment looks stunning. Watch Dogs presents a crisp, highly detailed, fully-realized, and utterly convincing world.

In terms of size, Watchdog's map doesn’t feel as big as Los Santos, and it doesn’t have the dramatic variety of terrain either. Some of this is simply due to location.

GTA V's designers had a more varied topographic palette to draw from. Los Angeles, upon which Los Santos is based, comprises sea, city and mountains – each of which is used to outstanding effect.

Winner : GTA V

Tone and Style

This might sound like an odd category, but one of the big differentiators between the two games is the way they present themselves. Both games are violent, gritty, and feature many lines of mature dialog.
GTA V is a little more humorous and playful, albeit in a dark way. Much of what is broadcast or displayed in game is satirical in nature, and although the humor is often sick and twisted, it provides a nice contrast to the more brutal aspects of the game.
Watch Dogs is long on realism, and short on puns and humor. Conversations are fairly dry, and lack the repartee of GTA V. Admittedly, I haven’t seen a huge amount of character interaction as of yet, but certainly over the first few hours of the game, I didn’t hear anything that really drew me in.

Winner : GTA V

Storyline and Character

The quality of GTA's writing and dialog has consistently improved from game to game, and its fifth outing continues that trend. Its characters have depth of personality, and their interactions with one another are rich and interesting. There’s a high degree of sardonic humor, and conversations often reveal additional insight into characters' lives.

The way GTA V's story unfolds is also very compelling. Whether you love them or hate them, GTA V’s characters command your attention. The game’s storyline helps you understand their motivations, and even if don’t necessarily agree with them, you at least understand why they’re doing the things they do.

Watch Dogs has some very tough competition in this category. Watch Dogs feels a little lacking. 

Winner : GTA V

The City's Residents

Both games have busy, living environments filled with pedestrians and traffic.

Watch Dogs ups the ante by enabling you to hack the phones of what seems like almost all residents, so you can gather data on them. It’s an interesting mechanic that lets you see a person’s job, salary, and even trivial information about their lives. 

It adds a degree of richness to the environment, because it helps reinforce the notion that Watch Dogs’ residents are all individuals. 

GTA V obviously lacks the hacking aspect, but it treats its residents in a similar fashion. They go about their business in a fairly natural fashion – as long as you don’t stick around too long and watch them "loop". However, conversations between citizens are often humorous, and perhaps more interesting than what I overhead while walking around Chicago. 

Winner : Watchdogs


Watch Dogs and GTA V follow a similar story-driven mission structure. As you might expect with worlds that have vehicles and weapons, there is a crossover in terms of things that you do, especially when it comes to stealing and racing cars, tailing people, or shooting your way into or out of situations.

However, Watch Dogs’ hacking aspect adds a whole new dimension to the typical GTA-style missions we've seen in the past. While GTA V did mix things up this time around, many missions trod familiar territory. Watch Dogs really does bring something new to the table. Not all of the time, as I just said, but some of the hacking/puzzle and stealth/evasion missions I tried definitely felt exciting and fresh.

The missions in GTA, on the other hand, are a bit more interesting because of a proper storyline. Playing with all the three characters is a real fun. So, GTA V has pros of its own.

Winner : Tie

Law Enforcement

Misbehave in either game, and you'll soon attract the attention of the local PD. Both games use the same evasion rules – if you can outrun the cops and lay low for a minute of two, they’ll give up and go about their business, and you can go about yours.

Los Santos PD are a little more seasoned than their Chicagoan counterparts. I found that when they were right on my tail, very late braking into either a left or right turn will often fool them, and they’ll continue down the road a little before attempting to turn around. This helps buy time and put some distance between you and your pursuers. In GTA V, the cops aren’t quite so easy to sell on those kinds of cheap tricks. 

It's a little easier to avoid the police in Watch Dogs. Not only are they less capable drivers, but you also have more tricks up your sleeve.

Winner : GTA V

Vehicles and Driving

The cars in Watch Dogs are simply outstanding. They’re all based on actual production vehicles, (sans badge obviously), and the attention to detail is fantastic. There seems to be a vast range of cars that runs from sub-compacts to Fire Engines. Amongst the ones I drove were a Fiat 500, Golf GTI, Mitsubishi Evo, Subaru WRX and a Range Rover. I also stole a few motorcycles, including a Ducati Hypermotard-a-like and what looked like a Triumph Daytona. Obviously the vehicles are not absolute replicas of their real-life counterparts, but they are clearly copies that do bear an uncanny resemblance. A special mention goes to the cars' paintwork and reflective surfaces, which look quite spectacular - especially at night or in the rain.

GTA V is more over-the-top and, to be blunt, a little more fun. GTA V cars drive larger-than-life, and it’s easier to drift around corners and hoon it up. So, driving in GTA V is quite a fun.

WInner : Watch Dogs


GTA V offers a rich and complex multiplayer experience. Watch Dogs is comparatively simple.

Watch Dogs’ multiplayer approach is a novel one. There are ways that you can essentially invade another player’s game and challenge them to a hacking duel. It’s interesting, and I’m looking forward to experimenting more. There are also car races, and other one-on-one activities like tailing an individual in an attempt to get information from them. However, none of this compares to GTA V’s far more comprehensive multiplayer system that supports a vast range of activities and possibilities.
Winner : GTA V

"GTA V wins out." (It's just an opinion)

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